My Global Hustle

Larry Ossei-Mensah x JR (Le Artiste)

Last night, I had the pleasure of attending a preview screening for street artist and TED prize winner JR's project "Inside Out". "Inside Out" is JR's "wish" (which TED Prize winners are asked to conceptualize and bring to life) to use art as a tool for change. 

Although I'm a fervent art enthusiast, I've always had my reservations about "street art". After watching clips of the 'Inside Out" project, my mind was totally changed as I 100% concur with JR's vision to make art more inclusive and participatory. Last night's experience is why I love art so much because all it takes is an image, video, etc to change your out look on how you see the world. 

Check out the trailer for the film and JR's amazing TED Talk.  You can find more information about "Inside Out" here. – LOM

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