My Global Hustle

The power of storytelling: What nonprofits can teach the private sector about social media

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The Demographics of Social Media Users — 2012

Really interesting study with some no so surprising conclusions. What is still puzzling to me is that minorities make of the majority of users for the most popular social media platforms, but we start are the minority when it comes to developing these applications. Something has to change on that front. – LOM


PIP_SocialMediaUsers.pdf Download this file

Art: Made You Look: “D-Nice” by Larry Ossei-Mensah

Check out my piece in Uptown Magazine profiling artist/DJ/photographer Derrick “D-Nice” Jones. It was truly a pleasure to build with D-Nice about art and specifically his passion for picture making.  read more

– LOM (@younggglobal)

Marc Shillum: Consistent Brands Through Repeating Patterns

Arise Magazine x Larry Ossei-Mensah
